Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Dale Breckenridge Carnegie

He is known as Dale Carnegie.

He was born at 1888, 122 years ago.

He died at 1955, 55 years ago.

He died at age 67.

He was an American writer and lecturer.

He was a public speaker and he had interpersonal skills.

He was born in poverty farm in Missouri.

He is the auther of How to Win Friends and Influence People, first time published at 1936.

The book is still popular today.

He also wrote a book about Abraham Lincoln's life.

He also has several other books.

His books its mostly about its posible to change other people's behavior by changing your selves reaction.

He was born at Maryville, Missouri.

His father's name is James William Carnegie, and his mom Elizabeth Harbison.

He has to get up at 4am to milk his parent's cow.

He went to State Teacher's College in Warrensburg.

After college he started selling bacon and soap for Armour & Company.

Ater saving $500, he quit sales in 1911 to get to his dream and becoming as a Chautauqua, (an adult educationmovement).

He also went to Dramatic Arts in NY school, and he got success to be an actor.

He played the role of Dr. Hartley in the show Polly of the Circus.

After that he was broke and he went to the YMCA for living.

Then he got the idea about public speaking and he asked the "Y" maneger if he could have a room and teach there.

At first he ran out of maretials.

After a year his classes got the name Dale Carnegie Courses.

By 1914 he got $500, now its about $10,000 every week.

By 1916 he could rent places and have poblic speaking classes.

By the time he died he had sold 5 million books in 31 languages.

He served during World War I for the US Army.

His first marriage ended in divorce at 1931.

The he married again witch that one got divorce too.

He has 2 doughters.

He was buried after his dead.

He died of Hodgkin's disease.

His courses were presented in more than 75 countries.

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