Barnes & Noble is the largest book retailer in the United States.
The largest Barnes & Noble is now in NY.
Barnes & Noble is the chain of bookstores.
There is also a chain of small Booksellers stores.
Most of stores has Starbucks Coffee.
Most stores also sell magazines, newspapers, DVDs, graphic novels, gifts, music, video games.
GameStop retail outlets used to sale until October 2004 in Barnes & Noble.
As of October 2009, the company operates 777 stores in all 50 U.S. states.
636 college bookstores are Barnes & Noble.
Serves nearly 4 million students and 250,000 faculty members across the country.
It was bilt 137 years ago (1873) in Illinois.
Their first true bookstore was set up by his son, William, in partnership with G. Clifford Noble, in 1917 in New York City.
It opened during World War I.
They also began to publish their own books to be sold to mail-order customers.
In 1987 they started having one next to the malls.
Barbes & Nobles is the second-largest online bookseller in the United States.
It first began selling books online in the late 1980s.
The site now carries over 1 million titles.
The first Starbucks in the library was in New Jersey 1993.
In 2004, Barnes & Noble began offering Wi-Fi in the café area of selected stores, using the AT&T FreedomLink network.
It have about 40,000 employees.
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